martes, 5 de mayo de 2009


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Recently I decided to write my own blog in one of the subjects I like about Spanish language.
In fact now I am a stay at home mom but for 10 years I taugh Spanish as a second language. All this inspires me to share some of the aspects where my students presented the most frequent problems.

As many Spanish learners have experienced in this language words are pronounced in a different way than English is, even though they can be written in the same fashion. Lets talk about that!

In the flash cards examples

Letter: A pronounced Ah
word: ancla pronounced ah-n-clah

Letter B pronounced Bae like in the English word beta
word: bate pronounced bah-tae

Letter: C pronounced Se like in the English word Sea only when follows by vowels e or i
Letter: C pronounced K like in the English word Cat only when follows by vowels a, o or u
word: Casa pronounce Kah-sah

Letter: D pronounced Dae
word: dado pronounced dah-doh

Letter: E pronounced Eh
word: elefante pronounced Eh -eh-leh-fahn teh

Letter: F pronounced f
word: faro pronounced fah-roh

Letter: G pronounced g like in the English word go
word: guantes pronounced gw-ahn-tehs

Letter: H it is not pronounced we call it mute letter
word: helado pronounced eh- lah-doh

Letter: I pronounced like English "e"
word: iguana pronounced "e"-gwah-nah

Letter: J pronounced like English "h" in the word hat
word: jalapeño pronounced hah-lah-peh-nio

Letter: K pronounced K
word: koala pronounced koh-ah-la

Letter: L pronounced l like in the English word love
word: libro pronounced le-broh

Letter: M pronounced m
word: maíz pronounced mah-is

Letter: N pronounced n
word: naranja pronounced nah-rahn-ja

Letter: Ñ pronounced nii
word: ñandú pronounced niahn-dw

Letter: O pronounced o
word: ojo pronounced oho

Letter: P pronounced p like in the English word Pope
word: puente pronounced pwehn-teh

Letter: Q pronounced k
word: queso pronounced keh so

Letter: R pronounced r like in the English word run
word: reloj pronounced reh-loh-h(j pronunication)

Letter: S pronounced s
word: silla pronounced se-yah

Letter: T pronounced t
word: tijera pronounced te-he-rah

Letter: U pronounced w
word: uvas pronounced wbahs

Letter: V pronounced
word: ventana pronounced

Letter: W pronounced
word: whisky pronounced

Letter: X pronounced
word: xilófono pronounced

Letter: Y pronounced
word: yac pronounced

Letter: Z pronounced
word: zorro pronounced

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